nanoq Nanoq

Data from the Bank Greenland

At once a year, a ; (semicolon) delimetered csv file is exported from the gamling register and importet into eTax - in the following format

One headderline "Kundenr;Kontonr;mark;Nemkonto;Evt. supplerende oplysninger".
Each field (in the following data lines) is in format:

  • Kundenr: The CPR on the person who is owner of the accounrt.
  • Kontonr: The account number
  • mark: Not used by eTax
  • Nemkonto: Not used by eTax
  • Evt. supplerende oplysninger: Not used by eTax

The import concept into eTax is that the data is used to determine a bank account, where possible surplus tax is deopsited. This information is shown on the Tax return S1

Example: A file imported 29-01-2013 updates the information for the tax year of 2012. No other taxyear is affected.

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