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Data from the Greenlandic gamling machine licens database

At least once a year, a ; (semicolon) delimetered csv file is exported from the gamling register and importet into eTax - in the following format

Each data line is in the format ("cpr;Opstillingssted;Tilladdelsesnummer;Kommunenr;Automattype;Tilmeldtdato;Afmeldtdato"):

  • cpr: The CPR on the person that has the license. If cpr does not exists, the data can not connected to a taxpayer/compagny. And a warning is issued. (in the format XXXXXXXXXX where X is a digit between 0 and 9)
  • Opstillingssted: Location of machine. Not interpreted by eTax
  • Tilladelses ID: Identifies the permit. This is NOT a unique ID
  • Kommunenr: Municipality number of location.
  • Automattype: Machine type. Not interpreted by eTax
  • Tilmeldtdato: From date in format yyyy/mm/dd. Used to generate period information i eTax
  • Afmeldtdato: To date in format yyyy/mm/dd. Used to generate period information i eTax

Only data rows with a new unique combination of CPR, Tilladelses ID and kommunenr. are created. Other (existing) data rows are updated, though only Afmeldtdato is updated and only if it was empty before.


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