nanoq Nanoq

Data to collect outstanding tax from person who has died or moved before paying tax owed.

At random intervals a file is exported from eTax to collect outstanding tax from persons who have died or have moved and owe tax.
The file is a ; (semicolon) delimited csv file - in the following format

One header line "Løbenr;CPR;Skatteår;Indregningsår;Restgæld;Gebyr;SkattepligtOphørt;Betalingsdato;Kommentar;".
Each field (in the following data lines) is in format:

  • Løbenr: Uniqe number in file
  • CPR: CPR number on taxpayer
  • Skatteår: Tax Year of back taxes (not the include year).
  • Indregningsår: The include year
  • Restgæld: The actual back taxes amount
  • Gebyr: The back taxes fee. The taxpayer must pay the sum of back taxes and fee
  • SkattepligtOphørt: The date of end og tax liabillity dd-mm-yyyy
  • Betalingsdato: Paye date
  • Kommentar: Comments
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