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Voluntary payments of previous tax owed. §5 payments
(reducing incurred costs such as interest/service charges)

The taxpayer may be prompted to make payments for previous tax owed. If paid in time the taxpayer avoids incurring late tax-payment charges.
The main (ordinary) tax card file usually arrives in november, but smaller §5 files can arrive and be imported repeatedly into eTax at anytime
in a given taxyear.

The file format is CSV (comma seperated values) text using semicolon (;) as delimeter.
The first line contains header information =
"English// Debtor;Taxcouncil;Taxyear YYYY;Amount paid;Against(unused);Lock number(unused);Transaction date;Seed number"
"Danish// Debitor;Skattekommune;Skatteår YYYY;Beløb;Modregning;Låsningsnummer;Transaktionsdato;Løbenummer"
The following lines contain data in the format:

  • ForFormatType: The text "PGF5".
  • Debtor: (Debitor, Text, 10 characters) The CPR on the person (in the format XXXXXXXXXX where X is a digit between 0 and 9)
  • Tax council: (Skattekommune, Text, 2 chars) Tax municipality number. 2 digits. Sample: 32.
    As of autum 2018 - This field has no significance and is ignored by eTax i>
  • TaxYear: (Skattår Text 4 chars containing 4 digits, positive. XXXX eg. 2013). Must be the TaxYear where the defecit tax is created.
    Sample: A §5 payment made by the taxpayer in august 2018, regarding defecit tax regarding TaxYear 2017, must have 2017 in the TaxYear field in the file.
  • Amount: (Beløb, Text 10 chars, Integer 10 digits, no decimals)  The payment i danish kroners. Sample: 235.
    Remark: Negative numbers does only occur as error correction.
  • Modregning: The field has no significance and is ignored by eTax.
  • Låsningsnummer: The field has no significance and is ignored by eTax
  • Transaction date: (Transaktionsdato Text 10 chars) Date of payment. Format DD-MM-YYYY. The date is used to decide whether late-payment charge should be applied
  • Seed number: (Løbenummer) Unique id from the Economy system (XAL or Prisme. So far it is an Integer, 10 digits)
    Remark: It is imperative that Prisme does not (by accident) reuse Uniq IDs from the XAL series
    The ID is used to check that a specific payment is imported once and only once



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